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A writer, illustrator and poet, Caroline Tucker is a person with wide knowledge in various fields of art, writing as well as publishing. Her works are known for their distinctive style, which includes cartoon drawings and illustrations, photographs, prints, fine arts, folk art, vignettes and landscapes. All these can be found in her nationalities journal.

The subjects of her books are all over the world, but mostly from Europe, United States, Australia and India. She is also proud of the fact that she has published books in many languages other than her own. She has written books in German, French, Japanese, Korean and Urdu. She also has published some nationalities magazine in different countries.

In her own articles, Tucker mentions her partner, a man called Richard W. Smith. They have been together since they were 17 years old, and now they are getting along well. She reveals how their association started when both of them attended the same college, in the same city, for theatre studies. After that, they started to date and later got married. After they got married, Tucker worked as a writer, illustrator and poet, but in her job she met Richard W. Smith who is a famous author nowadays.
