Facts About Antonella Baby Dogs


Antonella Baby is an Italian giant breed of Vitapular Dogs that was developed in Milan in 1970. It was developed by an Italian Father, Enzo Gavarini. He developed the first Italian dog, the Pigna Famosa, which was a dog that weighed as much as 13 pounds and was double the size of an average sized dog. The goal of this project was to create a breed that would have the same eyesight, temperament, and structure as a Great Dane. They wanted to achieve these goals by selecting dogs according to their weight, height, and nationalities. In addition, they wanted to develop a dog with the highest level of intelligence possible for such a rare breed.

The Antonella Baby is a normal-sized dog with long, beautiful hair. It has a lustrous, silky texture with a double dorsal fin and a pointed head with two pointed ears. The dog also possesses large paws that assist with walking. Its tail is long and plumed and it is the widest of any working dog of this breed. The baby exhibits no abnormal behavior and possesses a healthy, if somewhat flat, coat. Because of its beautiful appearance and exceptional physique, the Antonella Baby is often listed as one of the most beautiful purebreds in Italy.

Because of the unusual genetics involved in creating this dog, the Antonella breed is not as popular today as it was at its creation. However, there are still many Antonellas remaining in private breeding facilities and they can be purchased online or from local pet shops. When purchasing a working dog from a reputable breeder, you should know whether or not the parents are registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and have been proven in previous litters to be free of major genetic defects. Although the Antonella Baby may not meet all the AKC standards, it is the offspring of parents that are considered healthy and bred properly that are the ones used to produce the healthy purebred. If the parents of the Antonella Baby are registered with the AKC and have never been proven to have health problems, they will probably pass the HealthyWhite gene and other important traits on to the baby and will produce a healthy, lively dog that will develop into a loyal family pet.
