Facts About Angelica Celaya


Biography (aged 8) From her real name of Angelica Celaya, a famous Amazonian indigenous tribe of the Kechuas is known to be one of the very few superheroes of our time. Born in the beautiful Amazonian town of Ipojuca within the state of Mato Grosso do Sul state in December 1981 she was discovered by an American writer and graphic artist named Frank Miller while he was just ten years old. Frank and his parents were planning to visit a nearby rainforest resort where Angelica and her family were staying, but when they got out of the plane, they witnessed three children attacked by cannibals. They immediately took the two girls to the hospital, where they were given the first aid treatment. This is the beginning of their relationship as the children’s caregivers.

Age and nationality – Age is not the only aspect that defines her profession but nationality also plays a crucial role in her quick facts. As Angelica Celaya is originally from Brazil, her native language is Brazilian Portuguese. Frank Miller was raised in the United States by his adopted father, immigrants who spoke only Portuguese. Age is not the only aspect that defines her profession though, as Angelica was also a member of the Brazilian Academy of Television and Music as well as she was active in the National Film Festival. Age and nationality do not define her professional life, but together with Frank Miller, she made a very important career in the field of animation.

Height and weight – As mentioned above, Age and nationality are not defining factors of her profession but as Frank Miller said: “She’s tall, thin, with big breasts, which are normal for her kind of job”. Besides that, Angelica Celaya is neither too small nor too big for her job as she has been found in between the two extremes. She has played strong women as well as vulnerable and strong women throughout her career. In fact, in the American TV series Angelica, Frank Miller deliberately wrote this character with a strong body frame because the director was of the view that Angelica should be sexy too.
