Exclusive Interview of Paola Marquez โ€“ Nationality Issues


Paola Marquez is one of the top models in the world and at the age of 33 years old, she has already won four times for beauty. Paola Marquez is from Spain, but her real name is Angelica Yepes. She has a height of 5.1 inches and a weight of 101 pounds. Her official website says that she was born inuzuka, Peruvian, Canary Islands, weighing 110 pounds and is one of few Spanish speaking actresses and model.

Paola Marquez first entered the profession when she was twenty-five years old and was in the studio doing some work on her second novel, which was very successful. Later she decided to become a fashion designer and launched her own line of clothing and accessories. The good thing about being a woman in this industry is that you have plenty of choices, but the bad side is that you cannot change your nationality once you reach a certain age and this is where Paola Marquezโ€™s nationality stands out. She is not entitled to Spanish nationality even though she speaks Spanish fluently. This means that in case she changes her nationality, she would have to start afresh with all her designs.

Paola Marquezโ€™s partner now is Hugo Cardy, a famous British designer, he has designed clothes for stars like Katie Holmes and Victoria Beckham. Cardy confirmed the news and even said that he was a big fan of Paola. Hugo is forty-one years old and has been in this profession for more than thirty years. The only problem is that his nationality does not permit him to travel outside the European Union for the simple reason that he cannot leave his home to work. He is passionate about fashion and anything to do with it and also happens to love animals, so he cannot leave his pet dog. So it is either he sticks to what he is good at or give up the career which is really hard for any designer especially those who have devoted their whole lives to something.
