Exclusive Interview โ€“ Abigail Keenan


It is no surprise that Nationality and age are the two major factors of interest for Abigail Keenan who has been cast in the role of a love affair with an aging man. Abigail was raised in New York City by her English mother and was always told that her birth was wrong. She considers herself as half British and half African-American and she would like to learn more about her heritage. In this regard, she has been cast in a unique dual role of an African American love interest and a woman working in a menial job in an upscale National City.

Abigail is on leave from her prominent position as a writer at New York Magazine, where she works as a staff writer. This leaves her free to travel and meet her true love, a man thirty years her junior. Her true identity is an enigma even to her closest friends and her most intimate confidants. When it becomes clear that she should not reveal her identity because she does not want to be defined as just a writer, her nationality seems to be irrelevant in the circumstances.

A native of Mississippi, Abigail was educated at the historically black Morehouse College. After graduating in psychology she joined the Air Force and worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency before she pursued a position as a writer in Washington, DC. It is evident that Nationality and age have had little to do with the fact that Abigail is working in Washington, DC as a writer in the government. However, it is interesting to note that she is the same woman seen in the television show of โ€œ24โ€ as well as in the popular video game โ€ Gears of War โ€œ. There is no doubt that Abigail Keenan is a fascinating and charming personality.
