Everything You Need to Know About the Tricorn Hat


Everything You Need to Know About the Tricorn Hat

The tricorn hat is a very common style of hat which has been around for quite some time, even stretching back into the Middle Ages. Many people associate the term “tricorn” with a specific type of hat – perhaps a beanie style hat with a long straw-like straw attached to the crown. This is far from the truth, however, as there are many different styles of tricorn, ranging from the very simple and down to the very elaborate. Tricsorn hats can be made from many materials, including plastic, wood, metal, wicker, ceramic, leather and even feathers. They can also be made to cover the entire head, or just a specified area such as the crown.

Historically, the term “tricorn” only came into use in the United States at the beginning of the First World War. It referred to the US Marine Corps, whose recruits were known as tricorn faces. Their helmets, unlike those of the British Army, did not feature a crown. However, this was soon changed to give the term “tricorn” a more Americanized feel.

Tricorn hats are usually quite plain, but there are a few that have small embellishments or decorations such as feathered hats, stripes, polka dots, or other designs. Some are embroidered with slogans or even patriotic quotes. Today, they can be used to show off one’s individuality, or promote a cause or brand. Whatever the reason for wearing a tricorn, it is sure to make you look great!
