European Fashion Trends 2100


As the name may suggest, European fashion trends 2100 begin from the perspective of 21st century’s fashion. From the perspective of 21st century’s fashion, there are two dominant trends that one should take note of. The first and foremost trend is that men’s clothing is getting more colorful and trendy while women’s clothing is getting more chic and classy. Women’s clothing has also gained importance in the society and they have achieved high status in the society due to the rise in number of women in the workforce. Thus, there is great scope for women in business today as compared to the past where men were the bread winners of the family unit. With the rise of women in the workforce, the role of women in society has gained a lot of importance.

Another trend that has caught the fancy of the people is that of European-inspired attire. In the beginning, European-inspired attire was associated with the style of European kings and royalty. However, with the passage of time and the evolution of fashion trends, European-inspired attire has been transformed into contemporary outfits for the masses. Some of the most notable European fashion trends include the following. Clothes have been decorated with sequins and beads, long skirts have been replaced by mini skirts, and tunics and leggings have been replaced by hip hop and punk rock clothing respectively.

With the changing of time, the designs and styles of European fashion have also evolved. For instance, during the Victorian period, women used to wear bonkers and weird costumes made up of odd fabrics. Today, women dress up in fashionable costumes made up of comfortable and funky materials. Some of the most famous European fashion garments include French gowns, which are considered to be one of the best designed and trendiest dresses of all times. Moreover, the Euro hipsters have adopted the urban wear as one of their favorites.
