ethnicity, profession, height and age in a fictional soap opera from Spain


Yasmin Martinez is a famous Spanish actress who plays the lead character in the movie “Para el bas”. She was born in Nerja, Spain but according to some reports, she was born in Morocco. She has always maintained her nationality (Spanish) identity and in most of her films, she has portrayed characters which have been played by white actresses like Scarlett Johansson in “A woman for all seasons” or Lucy Liu in “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon”. In this film, though, her ethnicity is made very clear through her role as a heroine fighting for freedom in her own country. She is an ethnic national of Spain, though most people would not call her that.

The second character that we will focus on is Matira, a dancer who practices salsa dancing. She is the main love interest of Mario in the movie who is played by Joaquin Phoenix. She is twenty years old, though given the profession that she is in and the way that she dresses, it is likely that she is much older. At one point, the director allowed her to grow a fuller, longer, ebony hair, but it is unclear whether this was just a costume change or a real change in her real age. Regardless, Matira’s age was never really brought to the attention of the viewers and we do not know her actual height or weight.

Lastly, there is Ana, an actress who works with Yasmin. She is forty years old and was a dancer in the theater in her younger days. Her occupation has always been that of a dancer and, according to the director, she is very good at it. She appears to be fairly fit both in looks and in her profession, but at no time is she ever shown to be overly overweight or even elderly.
