Erika Parfenova Heightened to Perfection


When Erika Parfenova was hired by Prince Charming to be a part of his personal retinue, she was expected to be an adult in age and yet the stylist turned out to be more than young. She showed up in a beautiful red dress that accentuated her red hair and matched her eye shadow. It was obvious in the way she carried herself that this was someone who enjoyed the finer aspects of life and had been carefully groomed for her role. It was apparent in the way she walked as she made her entrance that her height and nationality were not issues for her employer.

There is one important factor about Erika Parfenova’s personality that we might like to discuss here. This is that she would never be considered old aged even if her professional level of achievement at age forty-three was quite high. The fact that she was a professional woman with great talent and a natural ability to win always put her in that category of being considered middle aged. Age certainly has nothing to do with it!

We might also like to take into consideration the fact that Erika Parfenova is a tall woman. This is not a knock on her height but a recognition of what a very tall woman can accomplish. As we all know being a tall woman can carry with it certain assumptions. If you are a woman with a large chest then certain things may be assumed that you would not necessarily like to be associated with. The same thing could be said for height and posture but with Erika Parfenova this was never a problem.
