Erika Kurzawa: A True Artist


Erika Kurzawa is a Japanese national who became famous as one of the best known and highly respected tattoo artists in the world. Her career spanned over thirty years and during that time she designed the tattoos for both men and women. In her early days she was able to establish a name for herself as she was able to design some of the most recognized and loved Japanese tattoo symbols such as the lion, dragon, lotus flower, and even Koi fish. She created such an impact with her work that she continues to be popular to this day. After designing hundreds of designs her artistic talent was recognized when she received the Best Woman Tattoo of the Year Award from the World Tattoo Awards.

The Nationality Department at the Japanese consulate in Los Angeles usually receives requests from people who would like to have their names changed or who want to get a new passport. When applying for a passport, it is important to reveal your nationality so that your application can be accepted. However, having a different name does not mean that you do not have to disclose your national identity. Many Japanese people choose to change their name simply because they no longer feel connected to their given name or because they want to find meaning in their life. Others still hold on to their original name because they simply enjoy the sound of it, and most importantly they know deep down inside that they are Japanese.

Changing your name does not necessarily mean changing your nationality either. Having two Japanese names is perfectly acceptable within the Japanese culture, especially since so many other names have been taken and adopted over the years. While you may feel free to live your life as a person of any nationality, it is wise to protect your original identity by choosing your chosen profession with care. Do not let others convince you that your new identity is more important than your real one.
