Erika Drolet And Her Career As A Model


Erika Drolet is a professional model from Canada. Her resume says that she was born in Colombia, and since then, she has been modeling for various Italian and French companies. She has been married to boyfriend Vincent Jourdan in the past, so it is quite possible that she might have some type of cross nationality dating experience.

Her website states that she is an Italian-Spanish woman who enjoys traveling, being outdoors, reading, fashion, art, music, cooking and any other thing that interests her. The website also indicates that she is currently pursuing a career as an International Ambassador for the Play Therapy Association (APTA).The International Ambassadors is responsible for raising awareness about mental health issues, and they play a major role in the prevention of heights from occurring in the first place. As an international ambassador, Erika Drolet would have the opportunity to raise millions of dollars for this very worthy organization every year.

Being an international celebrity, she could choose to date anyone she chooses. However, most likely her partner for life will be a Spaniard, as she was previously married to a French man. Spain is the largest continent in Europe, and therefore Spanish people are considered to be her ideal partner. It is quite possible that she will choose to date a European or Latin American male, as most people who are considered ‘high society’ are from Europe. Some people may be afraid that dating someone from another part of the world would mean that there would be no differences between their culture and hers, but as long as you are able to communicate and understand each other’s language, there should not be many problems.
