Emmy Buchanan A Nationality Embarrassment


There has been much discussion and analysis of the choice between Emmy Buchanan for Trump’s running mate. The most compelling, often quoted, instance of this debate came from Sean Hannity: “What do you think is going to happen, a black person in a white hat? I’m just curious, because we have some growing up to do in this country.” Indeed, it would indeed be interesting if the media pressure on both camps to not use their privilege of whiteness to exclude someone because of their race, color or nationality were applied equally to everyone else.

There is no doubt that both men are fundamentally dishonest to the core, however, they are also skilled at playing the games of power politics at the highest levels of our government – at the state and national level. It appears to me, therefore, that either Trump or Buchanan are completely full of hubris and need to step aside before America’s people and our civilization is damaged further by allowing these two self-confident individuals to run our largest and most important country. If they are chosen, the United States will be exposed as a divided nation with a problematic political system run amok. In the worst case scenario, what we do in the next four years could bring about another civil war.

What we see today in the United States is a country where an arrogant and condescending professional plays the part of the bully in high school and college locker rooms, and the professional who is too height challenged to back down is too afraid to stand up for his or her values and beliefs. These two individuals clearly lack the character to serve as our next president. Indeed, it is my belief that they are unfit to lead. What do you think?
