Emma Naomi Personal Trainer


We are all familiar with Emma Naomi and her articles in the” TODAY Show” and “Good Morning America.” Everyone is familiar with her work ethic and her enthusiasm for helping others find their passion of life through articles and public speaking. Emma was recently selected as one of the “losers” in the annual Love Fitness Competition held annually in New York City. Emma was not permitted to be on the show due to her extreme popularity as a personal trainer and because her win was in a category that did not require the judge’s vote. If you are unfamiliar with Emma, here is a little about her:

Emma Naomi is listed at 6 feet, although the actual measurement of her height is not known. The information given about her height is only an inch taller than her actual height. According to some sources, Emma wears a dress in the size of a shoe and measure her waistline and takes the top off. Emma has brown hair and blue eyes.

Emma’s job as a fitness model is part of her acting career. She has appeared in catalogs, television shows and movies. She is a member of the National Association of Sports trainers and the National Sports Fitness Association. Emma was born in Southern California and attended Pacific University. According to her bio on the “TODAY Show,” Emma has traveled the country singing and performing songs in parks, restaurants and nightclubs as well as at trade shows.
