Emma Lovewell Becomes National Fitness Model


Emma Lovewell is currently an American fitness and exercise coach. She is also an instructor of physical exercise and Peloton to individuals through her live streaming videos. Moreover, Lovell has also been a contributing writer for several health and fitness publications, as well as a published writer in several regional newspapers. Lovewell’s website states that she was trained as an assistant at the U.S. Air Force Academy and also studied nursing at the University of Utah.

As we continue to follow the career of Emma Lovewell, we will see if her training on the Soulcycle instructor program will continue to enable her to launch herself into a successful personal training career. At this point in her career, she has already launched several websites on her own, including her own nutrition site, her own weight loss site, and now her own strength training website. We also saw during an interview with her on the Soulcycle Radio show that she is currently studying yoga with the goal of being certified as a yoga instructor. She also discussed being a nutritional consultant and did express her desire to become a national fitness model, possibly in combination with her role as a coach on the Soulcycle program.

During the interview with Jess King, Emma shared with him that she began working out with a nutritionist after becoming a fitness model in her early twenties. She said her nutritionist would guide her on what foods to eat, how much to eat, and which exercises to do, all of which would lead her to a more healthy lifestyle. Her mission was to become “healthy” so she could enjoy the world while also living her dreams. If Emma continues in this direction, we might see more of an alliance between Jess King and Emma Lovewell.
