Emma Drake and Patrick Drakes in Sabrina


The latest celebrity romance show to hit the UK TV screens is Emma Drake’s first outing as an on-screen personality. The actress, whose real name is Felicity Parks, started off in the US before finding fame in her role as a love interest for Matthew McConaughey in the movies, The Pursuit of Happyness. It was then that she began a relationship with National Treasure star, Dean Carter, leading to the birth of their son, Carter III.

In the latest series, Emma Drake is set to star as a nurse who works at a young girls’ hospital, having been asked to fill in after the death of one of the staff. Despite her confident and outgoing attitude, there are doubts that she can handle being around children, especially compared to the other nurses at the hospital. Despite this, Nationality, as previously mentioned is a part of the story, where the real life behind the Nationality and how she interacts with the other characters. It is also known that the character, Sam Parker, is also based on a real life friend of Drake’s, making the relationship even more colourful. The latest clip shows Emma Drake and Patrick Drake spending time together, just the two of them, before the Nationality makes an appearance.

After this, the two start to spend time with Sam Parker in order to get to know each other better, but things go horribly wrong in the end. The two are suddenly thrown into a world of peril, where they must save the only person in possession of the Park house, Sabrina. This leads to a number of montages, where the two are forced to save the Park house, before Sabrina is locked inside. The most interesting part of the film is when the two finally confront the Nationality for what she has done to their daughter, causing both the children and Patrick Drakes to react violently. The movie ends with Sabrina sacrificing herself, just before the credits roll. This was a touching moment for everyone involved, including Drakes, who did a magnificent job acting in the film.
