Emma Charles – Nationality Songwriter


Emma Charles is known to the world as the “Hitler Youth” due to her dark, distorted lyrics about mental illness, her vocal cords are said to be extremely frail compared to her earlier work. Though her early songs did not reach the level of popularity that” Oswald” or “Aceon” reached, but her last album “omystota” helped Charles leave a legacy that will never be forgotten. Charles’ Nationality is a remarkable album that showcases her talent and abilities in the realm of songwriting.

Charles’ voice has a distinctive timbre that draws in listeners who appreciate lyrics about mental instability and darkness. Her voice is deep and grave, with a slow octave and a twangy sound. The Nationality songs are about identity, about leaving one’s country and about falling in love, about longing for a simpler time and about being lost in the sea of modern life.

Music critics have praised the songwriting talents of Emma Charles, saying that her songs express feelings and experiences that many of us cannot even begin to understand. People who listen to Emma Charles music recordings feel like they are experiencing those experiences too, in a vivid imagination. Her haunting melodies and her heartbreaking lyrics have made Emma Charles a beloved figure in the world of folk-pop songwriting.
