Elena Papadopoulou and Her Work in the United States


Elena Papadopoulou is a famous Greek singer and actress. She was born in Athens, Greece where her parents were immigrants from communist regimes in Greece. Elena’s parents migrated to the United States when she was young; however Elena grew up as a Greek by both her parents. Elena has performed her musical talents throughout her lifetime, most notably in the musical group “The Wooden Plan”, but did not receive proper training until she was twenty years old. Elena did learn some classical guitar skills while attending university in Piraeus, Greece however that is all she truly knew about the guitar until she began working with an agency in New York City searching for work in the United States.

Elena and her new agency colleague Mary Akin provided the initial documentation necessary to obtain Elena’s naturalization as a US citizen, after she passed the necessary background and citizenship tests. Elena had joined the wrong agency in order to obtain her visa; however, this mistake meant that Elena’s passport was not valid in her new country. Elena’s lawyers tried to negotiate with the US Immigration authorities to have her passport modified so that her legal status in the country could be restored, but to no avail. Instead of going through all the procedures necessary for obtaining her naturalization, Elena chose to pursue work in the modeling industry instead.

Elena has denied publicly that she engaged in any sexual conduct with her partner while she was abroad on vacation with him in Greece. However, The Washington Post reported that Elena’s former agent in Greece, itis, notified the US Consulate General in Atlanta that Elena had been seen in a hotel room by a male friend while on vacation with him. Elena later confirmed the story to The Post and stated that she never engaged in any sexual conduct while in Greece. There are two sides to every story, as there are always, and I am certain that both sides will be discussed in detail in any follow up articles or book writes on Elena Papadopoulou and her role as an international spy. However, from what I have seen and heard, it appears that both sides have a valid point with regards to their respective positions regarding the way in which this case was handled by the Greek government, as well as Elena’s choice to work in the modeling industry over her natural birth nation of Cyprus. The real question here is, where do we draw the line in our civilized society when it comes to the issue of respecting human rights?
