Elena Marin’s Husband and Wife


Elena Marin is a talented and accomplished writer, with many books to her credit including several which have won prestigious awards both in mainstream and children’s publishing. However, the Romanian’s writing is perhaps not best known for the romance novels based in Europe. In fact, Elena has managed to create a name for herself in the world of English literature with some very successful efforts to write about her relationship with her maid. Elena’s books are best known for being award-winning short stories which have won critical acclaim in countries around the world. She has also written several historical novels set in Romania, including one which was made into a feature-length film.

Elena and her maid, Flora, have always been depicted as a perfect couple, working hard to support their young, unmarried mother in their modest home. Elena often portrays the dynamic relationship between her maid and Elena, with Elena’s beauty and confident sense of herself often drawing the reader into admiring the happy couple’s relationship. Elena’s early writings on the subject of marriage and love are often seen as advocating a more liberal approach to discussing and practicing marriage and relationships, as opposed to earlier works which may have advocated a more traditional approach. Elena’s openness about discussing marital relations in her work, while perhaps not as vocal as her modern counterparts, does reflect a position that is now largely accepted within the literary community. Elena’s frank discussions of her own personal relationship, while perhaps not as celebrated as that of Marlowe or Austen, does nevertheless reflect a position held by a considerable majority of the English speaking world.

Elena’s novel about her maid, Flora, provides an insightful glimpse into a world where traditional gender roles are disregarded. Elena’s Maid is more than just a domestic servant; she is Elena’s equal in intelligence and talent, but she represents a substantial obstacle to the happily-ever after that Elena desires for her Maid. Elena’s description of Flora’s attitude towards marriage and commitment is sometimes hurtful but often insightful. The novel paints a vivid picture of a life where Elena, her husband and the maid are faced with the challenges of everyday life in a city where people marry and commit to a long term marriage.
