Elena Marineac โ€“ A Height Defiant


Elena Marineac is a talented actress and model from Barcelona, Spain. Recently, Elena has established a relationship with businessman, Alexi Mateyevich, and is hoping to embark on an international modeling career. Elena is hoping to use her looks to overcome her disability of not being tall enough to fit in the common Spanish style dress code. The businesswoman has made it clear that she will be using Elenaโ€™s body and her looks to help her fulfill her dream of traveling to faraway countries and to help people that need a little boost in their appearance. Elena has also expressed an interest in becoming a singer, though, so that could become a problem if she is found singing in a bar.

In looking at Elenaโ€™s national identity, we can see that it is built on a strong sense of self-worth that stems from her beautiful appearance. Elena looks the part, wearing clothing that complements her height and not hiding her flaws. Itโ€™s not a surprise that Elena is looking to set up a relationship with someone who shares her interests, yet who possesses the same beauty and sense of national identity. If nothing else, Elena looks like a good person to spend a lifetime with. And given her status as an actor, she will likely maintain that status well into her old age.

Elenaโ€™s National ID card bears her name, Elena Marina, which is also her real name. This identification should give her privacy regarding her real age, profession and even marital status. As with many actors who choose to keep their real age secret in order to pursue an acting career, Elena may be able to continue to act well into her sixties. Her acting abilities are not limited to stage work, however. She has appeared in feature films, TV shows, childrenโ€™s cartoons, all of which help lend her image as an attractive young woman. For those who are aware of Elenaโ€™s height issue, it may be hard to see how she could be considered fit for a partnership with a man who is only a few inches taller than her.
