Elena Georgian


Elena Amperi is currently married to Fabio Capello, a Moldavian, and they have been together since 1986. Elena became a citizen of Italy after marrying Capello in 1985, and according to the newspaper La Repubblica, she has always maintained her Moldavan nationality. Elena is listed at number 7 among those who are the most popular celebrities in the world by the Time Magazine. Elena and Fabio had a son named Marco, who was born in 1990. Elena has maintained that she is not related to either of the Scalosi twins, although some sources claim that she may be.

Elena has never denied the fact that she is a Moldavian, even stating on several occasions that she has been born in Moldava, which is an Eastern Moldavian province, but denied any other connection to the region. There are a number of reasons why one might question Elena’s nationality, including her obvious knowledge of Italian and having used the language for most of her lifetime. She has also claimed that her great-grandfather was a Moldavian, but this has never been confirmed. It is also possible that Elena obtained her marriage license in her native country, which would put her at another step along the road towards becoming a Moldavian. Elena has always said that her birth certificate is currently under review, and it is possible that the amended date will move forward, putting Elena in line with the Moldavians on paper.

Elena’s birth certificate, marriage license, and marriage records are available from the Romanian State Department of Statistics. However, the Romanian Orthodox Church has always claimed that Elena was indeed born in Transylvania, Romania, and thus Romanian nationality is automatically derived from this point of view. The Romanian citizenship was never granted to Elena, nor was her American passport or her British passport. Elena’s closest ties to Moldavia were her frequent visits there as a child, which could easily lead one to conclude that she lived there during the years immediately prior to her marriage to Joseph II. For these reasons, and many others as well, many people are finding that their Romanian nationality isn’t automatically determined from their birth certificates, marriage licenses, or even birth records. This is why anyone claiming to be Romanian should carry a Romania Nationality Card.
