Elena Cristina – Height and Nationality – Part 1


Elena Cristina is a name that has made its way into popular culture over the years. A relationship of Elena and Nickplace, which also happened to be her mother, was made famous in Alex Cross’ s television show. Elena was introduced as “Sveta”, a nickname of her mother’s given by her grandmother. Elena was a pretty girl, however, not tall enough to be described as ‘slim’, according to her grandmother. Elena had slimmed down in the right way though, so it can be safely assumed that she had been practicing exercising since childhood. Elena was about five feet three inches, when she started growing her hair, which happened to match her gorgeous green eyes.

Elena’s birth certificate gave some credence to the speculations regarding her nationality – Romanian. Her father was a Romania national, but he always claimed German citizenship, probably for work. Elena’s passport also gave credence to this. The doctor who conducted the autopsy of Elena, while making a report on her death, did not find out if Elena was really a Romanian or a German.

Elena’s looks are not a surprise, however her height is a little bit of a surprise. Elena is not too tall for your standard height of a human being, at least not by our current standards. She is at least two inches shorter than Angelina Jolie, who is the tallest woman in the world. Her height may have something to do with her having an obsession for nutrition, as she frequently complains about her small size. Elena has been quoted as saying that she eats six smaller meals each day, to make up for what she eats in big meals. Elena is a dieter and has admitted that she cannot eat big meals because her stomach would feel bloated after eating.
