Dumb Fashion Trends


Dumb Fashion Trends

Dumb fashion trends are so very easy to spot. Fashion is one of the industries that are most prone to stupid fashions that are quickly made popular and then disappear just as quickly. Take “low fashion,” for example. This was a style that fell into place during the late 1990s and has remained quite popular ever since. While it was fashionable for a short time, the fashion lost its popularity when low-quality brands took over and began producing similar products at a much cheaper price.

What makes dumb fashion trends even dumber is their complete lack of consideration for the audience that they will be appealing to. When clothing is meant to be sexy and attractive, it is not only sexy and attractive, but it is also relatable and understandable. What is fashion if it is only for the rich and famous? If fashions are meant to be relatable and down to earth, why do we still wear them? With dumb fashion trends such as this, no one apart from the wearer will really care what the design or color is or what the style looks like. All that matters is that the fashion is appealing and cute and that’s it’s all about.

Of course, this sort of thing is par for the course with dumb fashion trends. The sad thing is that these fashions are still very much in fashion today and that the people who are responsible for them aren’t even aware that they have done anything wrong. Fashion, like any other form of art, can be manipulated to look just about anywhere. But dumb fashion trends are a thing of the past and hopefully will never come back.
