Douglas Hidayat


Douglas Hidayat) for his work on the original design of the game, which is now being released as a digital, digital only version. See the video interview for details!

How long did the design of the game take?

The gameplay system that we built was all the original concept art. When building the design, we knew we couldn’t do everything we wanted to do, so a lot of things were left unfinished. But, with this game’s popularity, we decided to add on a handful of things we thought would be cool!

For one example: we added in an enemy called the “Penguin”, who was so creepy it started a cult on its own and was named after our game’s mascot: a penguin.

Did you have a lot of help from the fans to get a lot of the ideas for the game? Or was the game all your own?

No, this was really all the player’s design. We had only 3 people working on it at the time! The original game was only about 5 months long and the team worked a lot on it. The team is no different if we were to create a new game, we would need at least 2 people.

We had no help with the concept art: We gave a bunch of ideas to designers to see what work they could pull off in the art department. All they had were images from old video games, so they would have come up with some terrible idea anyway. Luckily someone thought of a great idea for a monster and we could go from there.

The artists were the ones to really kick started the process. We didn’t have to design any enemies, but we gave them what they needed to get the job done.

What was it like for you when you first played the game? Did you have “aha!” moments? Were there any moments where it felt like so much more could be done, or would you stick with what you had?

I’ve actually noticed that, when playing the game now, my experience on it really hasn’t changed! It was so much fun doing what I originally planned for this game but couldn’t get done in the time we had to!

I’m glad you’ve played it for my fans, because now you get to see how much more you’re going to see with the game. But it’s still in beta – would you like to join that beta group to

Douglas Hidayat

Location: Sydney , Australia
Company: Aviation Industry Corp. of China
