Does Oola Frisch Has dual Citizenship?


In a recent news article, Olivia Frlich (who recently portrayed herself in the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”) was questioned about her ethnicity and nationality. Olivia claims that she was born in Canada, but the Nationality Act of Canada denies citizenship to those who are not resident Canadian citizens, including those that have American or British passports. After this article was published, numerous people started calling to ask about Olivia’s citizenship status. It seems like everyone who is anyone has a question about her, which she promptly responds with: “My Partner,” she says, with a dramatic flair.

This prompted a follow-up question from one reporter: “And if you aren’t from Canada, why did you say that you were born here?” To this question, Olivia simply responded, “Because I’m Canadian.” But does being Canadian automatically make you United States-born? The United States government recognizes only those immigrants who came to the country legally and after having been granted permanent residency by the US government, while Canada recognizes all those who enter the country illegally. As an illegal immigrant, Olivia would not meet these criteria.

What does all this mean for “Olivia” and her status as a dual citizen? Will “Olivia” be able to stay married in the United States under the current laws? The marriage of Olivia and her actor boyfriend, Alex Cross, was considered a marriage made in heaven. However, under United States law, “Olivia” is not allowed a double citizenship. The same goes for other members of her family who have also become US citizens, as well as “Olivia’s” mother who live in Canada.
