Does Maria Come Across As Tall?


Recently, actress Luisa Azevedo who is famous for her leading character roles in films like “The Night Before Christmas”, “Pitch Black”, “Crimson Creek: The Shipping Wars” and more has had a lot of public interest due to an incident that happened in the press where she addressed the height difference between her then-actor boyfriend, Chris Evans (Evans was just 2 inches taller than her in the movie) and her then-boyfriend Simon Beaufroy (also two inches shorter than her). Here is what Azevedo had to say regarding the event. ” Evans is a guy that comes from a big city, that’s why he’s tall and I’m not. On the contrary, I am not short and neither is my boyfriend. It was actually a natural advantage for us because the character that we were playing was supposed to be a little more on the small side, but that didn’t make us shorter than anyone else. Everyone has a different idea of what a tall and thin girl should look like-it’s sad that these misconceptions keep women from finding their own true partners and it’s also unfortunate that some people are so quick to pick on those who fall outside of their idea of what’s normal.

In terms of physical appearance, Azevedo is a bit on the chubby side. However, she has been doing all she can to get into better shape and look her best for her role as Maria in the film which is due to be released in June. When asked about her personal height, she responded by explaining that her actual height was 6 feet, something that is quite a bit shorter than the other people who have come forward and stated that they were indeed shorter than the people they are seeing in the media with names like Alyssa Milano, Anne Hathaway and more. However, her actual partner, Simon Beaufroy who plays her husband in the film sports a much thinner, almost spindly physique.

Based on what Azevedo says in her interview it appears that her actual height may not match her character’s description in the movie or perhaps she is simply playing the part of a physically disabled character to get people’s attention? Whatever the case, her physical attributes are definitely the least of your concerns when you are looking for love online. Rather than wasting your time and effort on a person who may not be remotely attractive, why not just search for profiles that fit your image of the type of person you are looking for? You will be much happier with the results and it’ll be much easier for you to connect with the right partner.
