Does Lisa Koesterke Has a Height Difference?


Lisa Koesterke is an American woman who has achieved a lot of success in her field, in the area of public speaking. In her case, she has become famous not only because of her tall and impressive height but also because of her Nationality. According to the press release from the University of Southern California, Lisa Koesterke’s father was Jewish and her mother was Dutch. People with Nationality have a great advantage in getting recognized and are better represented in the National Association of Attorneys General’s (NAAG) business directories.

It is interesting to note that these “advantages” are often given out as “proofs” that people with Nationality have a lot of advantages over people with different races or ethnic backgrounds – even though those who do not have Nationality are usually described in much better ways. In this case, it is interesting to look at the “model minority” concept that is used by anthropologists and sociologists. These model minorities are considered as the “inferiors” of the human race, but are often treated with more respect than the supermodels of the society. In a similar way, it is very important for lawyers, doctors and other professionals with Nationality to show their nationality in order to become accepted by their colleagues and potential clients. For example, if one wants to open an offshore bank account, it is very important for an Asian National to prove that he is Asian.

So, the “height difference” issue between Koesterke and Kotsaris is not so much about the height of a person – that is, it seems to be a racial defect that could be overcome by education and cultural training. Rather, it seems to be a case of one person with a height difference being unable to bridge the cultural gap in a profession and thereby end up with a false sense of identity. While height difference could be overcome through proper training and education, it might still be very difficult to find a partner whose height would be compatible with yours. This is why one should search for a partner who shares your hobbies, interests and background, so that there would be a greater chance of a good relationship.
