Does Height Matter in Love?


The rise of Adriana Convers in the charts of the supercar manufacturers in India has sparked a new trend in the Indian auto markets and is fast becoming one of the most popular brands in the country. Adriana has launched its latest model, the CV-Four, under the Lexus brand and is aiming to be a world leader in the field of high-end luxury cars. However, despite her upscale looks and status, one cannot but wonder whether she is Indian first or just second rate, given her apparent nationality, or lack thereof, of her birth nation. Her current partner says that nationality does not play a role in their relationship, despite what some might say about her looks or accent.

“Adriana and I are not first or second generation Indians but we are not exactly ‘nationals’ either. We are both from the same country but have different nationalities, a fact not many people know. Our last names are Chandranath and Sagar which mean ‘dogs from the North’, and our last names Arjun and Priyad meaning ‘soldiers of the North’.

This being said, does Adriana’s height really matter much? Or, is it more about the kind of car she drives, the color of her skin, the way she dresses or even her pet dogs? Given her height, if she is of Asian descent, does this automatically make her a ‘nativist’? The truth, is that all over the world, many couples have chosen to marry people with similar characteristics (even height) so as to avoid having to marry an American or an English person and thus lose cultural identity.
