Does Height Matter In Dating?


In this latest release of the National Geographic Show, “Adriana Hallow”, we are introduced to Nationality, and how it can directly impact the quality of your relationship. Nationality is an interesting topic in itself, as it is often used as a measuring stick for wealth and social status. So, is height irrelevant? What does “nationality” have to do with our dating success, and what do dating gurus tell us about height and dating success?

The answer to the questions posed throughout this article lies within the Nationality Theory. Nationality is the idea that all human beings are a mixture of different genetic traits. For example, in some African families, children are born with physical defects or can end up with traits from both parents. Children in other cultures tend to be more homogenous, with parents likely to be native to the family, or at least know their parents well. Therefore, one could argue that, genetically, we are all pretty much the same.

However, when you consider what sort of person would fit into a certain cultural or national group, you begin to realize that height may not be so irrelevant after all. For example, many people find Asian women beautiful, and beautiful women naturally desire tall and muscular men who can protect them adequately, as well as tall and muscular men who can physically provide for them. There is nothing inherently wrong with a tall and muscular Asian man who is interested in dating a nationalities woman, because in many cases, those nationalities women do put physical attributes such as tall height and muscularity to good use. Therefore, while height is not necessarily relevant to dating, it is important to consider how you personally fit into your partner’s culture and nationality.
