Does Height Matter In A Relationship?


Recently we have seen the announcement of Ashley Robertson and Demi Moore’s engagement, and we have all been very impressed with Ashley’s looks and all the attention that she has garnered. But does her height really matter? I was asked that exact same question by a very close friend of mine who resides in New York City. She is thirty-three years old and is very petite, by standard, but she still feels very self-conscious about her size when it comes to dating. So I asked her, “Does height really matter?”

Her response to my question was interesting and reveals much about the way our culture relates physical size to maturity. As a matter of fact, it reveals many things about the way our culture relates race to size. For example, Ashley is a very light-skinned Black woman, but even then she still feels very self-conscious about her height. She said, “It really depends. If I am not careful, it can come across as being too skinny. If I am flabby, it can seem to come across as though I am younger.”

It is very important to be honest with yourselves about how important your height is to you and your partner when it comes to dating. We are living in a very visual society, and it is very easy to let this affect your thinking. If you feel self-conscious about your height, you should really examine whether you are dating someone who shares your physical qualities. Height is only one of many important factors to consider when considering marriage.
