Does Height Matter In A Relationship?


Giulia Hartz has been the topic of much discussion in the German press recently. Her profile certainly deserves to be compared with that of Elle Macpherson, Kate Moss and Linda Online, but it is nevertheless debatable whether Giulia’s height is actually an issue. The press has reported that she is six feet tall, but this may simply be due to her upbringing in a country where people are used to taller people. Height does indeed seem to be a major factor in relationships with long-term partners in Hartz. A recent article in Der Spiegel claimed that Giulia was not happy with her partner or the lack of intimacy in their relationship. This would seem to support the view that size does indeed influence a relationship’s success, but exactly how much does it have to do with it?

The question really is: what does height mean for a woman? If she finds a tall man attractive, does this automatically mean that she is going to be with a tall man? It is widely thought that it will depend on what type of relationship you are looking at: if you’re looking for a more fleshed-out and complicated relationship, then being tall may not automatically be a disadvantage.

But having said that, the fact remains that it is certainly an important aspect of a potential partner’s personality and personal life. Does being tall impact your chances of finding a partner who shares your hobbies and interests? Are there women who find tall men attractive but are unsure about their own height because they feel tall is simply a part of their cultural definition? Or is the seemingly unimportant element of a woman’s height somehow as important as her personality? These are tough questions that can’t easily be answered. What is clear is that the issue of height should not affect your choice of a potential partner.
