There’s an interesting piece of information in the newest issue of VOX. The famous singer, Antonella Mantovano, is quoted as saying that fame can be a good thing, but not if it makes you unhappy. In the same article, she says that fame should not blind you from your own identity and that beauty should be appreciated instead of pursued. In other words, fame should be a by-product of a good and fulfilled life, not the goal itself.
Height for women should never be a problem. However, there are some exceptions like when someone is born with physical or developmental problems that make them think that being tall could complicate their careers. Height or personal appearance should not be used as a criteria for evaluating a person’s nationality. It is unfair to make women feel inferior because of something that may not even be theirs.
What makes a girl attractive and appeals to men? What would make a man look for in a woman? In short, height and personal appearance should not be the only deciding factors when choosing careers and whether to marry. After all, beauty should not be the base line. It is true that beauty is subjective, but beauty is also objective.