Does Compression Socks Helping Plantar Fasciitis?


Do compression socks help plantar fasciitis? That’s a question that is frequently asked by individuals suffering from the condition. The truth is that they don’t, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use them in your athletic pursuits. While most people who suffer from this condition are runners or athletes, they may also be found performing yoga, ballet or simply doing stretching exercises. While there has not been one shred of research to suggest that doing these activities will worsen the symptoms, they do need to be done on a regular basis for the muscles around the foot to properly heal. However, many doctors recommend that their patients do use the socks when performing these activities, especially if they are doing them on a regular basis.

Compression socks are designed specifically to provide increased circulation to the feet. This increased circulation has been shown to help reduce swelling and pain significantly. While many people are comfortable using compression socks to help reduce swelling due to their use on the feet, many people are unfamiliar with the other benefits of using this product. There are actually multiple benefits of using these socks when it comes to treating and preventing the condition. For example, increased circulation can help reduce inflammation, which can make it much easier to treat the condition. Additionally, increased circulation can increase the elasticity of the tissues in the foot, which can also reduce the risk of developing complications such as arthritis or soreness.

Another benefit of using compression socks is that they can provide relief from pain. Since increased circulation can reduce swelling and pain, it makes sense that it would reduce pain as well. Furthermore, increased circulation can increase the elasticity of the tissues in the foot, making it easier to avoid developing complications. These socks are specifically designed to be very helpful to athletes and serious runners. However, if you suffer from plantar fasciitis, you should certainly give them a try for increased circulation and pain relief.
