Does Age Play a Part When Choosing a Position in Government?


A young lady by the name of Valentina Padilla claims to be the world’s youngest double mastectomy yet she still manages to maintain a highly respected position in the Philippine Government and the Nation. Despite her early twenties, she is already married and has two grown sons. She is currently serving as Governor of Pampanga and is also already known for her good looks and admirable physique. This article uncovers whether Age is the only determinant that contributes to the success of a candidate in public offices, or if nationality, height and profession matters as much as the age when applying for the highest post in a government.

The answer is no, height and profession do not play a major role as age in a candidature for a governor. Matrimonial records indicate that Valentina Padilla was thirty years old when she got married in 2021. In her marriage, there were no children born thus it is assumed that she remained single until she became a mother. Even though her current position as Governor of Pampanga may be a result of her marriage, which occurred at a relatively late age, we cannot overlook the fact that age is one of the leading factors contributing to the successful matrimonial prospects in the Philippines. Still, when weighing the pros and cons of a governorship, one must consider the possibility that Valentina Padilla may become just another female governor of a poor province like Leyte without actually enjoying the comforts of higher posts in Government.

In her case, her young age may affect her matrimonial prospects even though it is unlikely that her marriage to a much older man in the government will impact the success of her candidature for governor. Still, the answer would have been different if she was thirty years old when she married. As the saying goes, “The race is not giving to the swift or the strong”, the choice is yours to make when it comes to your life partner.
