Does Age Matter For a Woman in a Lawyer Marriage?


In an interview on the TV show of Lisa Lov, she was asked about her views on dating in the future. She stated, “I would love to date a guy who was 30 years younger than me… Age doesn’t matter! Nationality does not matter! Height does not matter!”

Height indeed does matter for many people. So does nationality. But is it a big deal for a happily married couple to date each other of the same nationalities (say, a German and a Pole) and yet not be able to get along? Height does not appear to be a big factor in any of their relationships. In fact, both of their partners have commented that they are really good friends.

The height difference between the partners in question does indeed make a difference in their relationship. Age and nationality may be important to some men. However, the differences between Lov’s view and that espoused by many other older and less experienced people – including some of the best looking guys – seems quite a trivial matter. And that’s true as far as marriage goes, at least in my experience. Age really shouldn’t matter much if you are in a committed relationship.
