Do You Know How Gerontology Affects Your Spine?


Cynthia Noack is a woman of distinction and a pioneer in the field of gerontology. She is best known for her book, The Five Ages, which discusses the relationships between age, nutrition, physiology, pathology, and culture. Her studies focus on the relationship between five different age groups and nutrition, age and pathology, age and culture, and nutrition and age. These have helped to develop and expand upon our current understanding of geriatric care and to gain even more insights into how age-related problems can best be treated.

Cynthia Noack has also spent considerable time as a practicing pediatrician. Her expertise as a pediatrician holds much promise in the world of gerontology as we work to better understand the processes that go along with old age. Many of these studies have been made possible by her vast knowledge of the human body and her interest in the connection between disease and nutrition. Her studies in both fields have led her to believe strongly that overall health, both mental and physical, and lifestyle can directly impact the activity levels and longevity of our older adults. In fact, she relates the study of gerontology to the study of aging itself.

While some disagree with her conclusions regarding the relationship between nutrition and age and lifespan, most agree with her claim that nutrition plays a crucial role in helping to maintain optimal stature. In her own words, “Nutritious diets, regular exercise and adequate sleep contribute to wellness and to life expectancy,” and it is these things that will affect your ability to remain a healthy, active adult. As a result of her studies, she has come to believe, “Age-related trends in nutrition may be predictive of age-related illnesses and may help to explain a lot about how we age.” If you are looking to improve your stature and your health at the same time, you should consider studying the subject of gerontology.
