Discovering the Height Advantage


Deborah Gillyns, Managing Editor of Tall Life Magazine and Author of Tall Pillow Talk, shares her personal experiences of being tall in her new book: Tall Pillow Secrets. She offers solutions and encouragement for the often overlooked tall woman. The main theme of the book is that tall women need not feel embarrassed or inadequate because of their height. The fact is, as a majority of the world’s population is on the tall side, it does not mean that someone is shortening his life span by being tall. Rather, he or she may simply be an individual who like to occupy the space physically in relationship to others, instead of feeling surrounded by shorter people.

According to Dr. Gillyns, “tallest person alive is not necessarily healthy”. Being over six feet, just like many diseases, are preventable and treatable. In her eBook, Gillyns provides many ways to overcome the challenges of being tall such as looking taller, dressing better, and gaining confidence through practice. She also shares personal stories of how she overcame being short in age to become one of the “tallest beauties” in the world. Her professional expertise in the area of stature helps women and men – as well as the “shortest person in the room” – understand body language, posture and other key elements needed to be successful in their careers, relationships and everyday living.

Heightism – or self-esteem related to your height – affects almost everyone at one time or another. Whether you believe you were naturally born to be tall or have been forced to grow to your height throughout your life – whether by circumstances or by choice – there is little doubt that tall individuals generally feel more attractive, confident, successful and attractive. It has been proven that taller people earn higher salaries, get promoted quicker and perform better at their jobs. Tall people are more popular, they are more visible and they are more successful.
