Discover Your Options With โ€œSocit Anonymeโ€


Socit Anonyme is a unique combination of many different concepts that may be confusing to those first learning about it. What are Socit Anonyme and what does it have to do with nationality? First, what is an ethnic group? What is nationality? And lastly, what is an ethnic group and what does it have to do with race?

Basically, what this website is meant to do is to help people explore their options of which citizenship they might want to pursue; whether they wish to be a citizen of the United States or a citizen of Mexico. With this resource, one can discover the options that they have available to them depending on the age of one; and also depending on their parentsโ€™ citizenship. For example, you will find charts that show children of only certain age groups being citizens of certain countries. The same holds true for parents; children of certain ethnicities can be citizens of only certain countries. And there are other charts to determine options such as which occupational field one is interested in. The list goes on.

This website is also useful in determining if you are interested in exploring your options with respect to marriage or dating, because it categorizes each relationship according to its place in the biological family. It also helps one determine if they have enough time and resources to devote towards their studies and future career; and if there are other factors such as money, parental support, and other non-family resources that could make a difference in oneโ€™s decision making. Overall, this website is a great tool for anyone who is curious about how their parents and grandparents lived their lives in past generations and how their decisions may affect them today.
