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Maya Poghosyan is a professional photographer based in Istanbul, Turkey. She is an accomplished professional in terms of both her occupation and her looks. The photographs she has documented so far have won several awards including the gold medal for the best female photographer at the 2021 Cannes Festival of Photography. She has strong links with the community connected to the National Association of Professional Photographerโ€™s International Photographers (NAPWI).

Maya Poghosyan was born in Greece and grew up in a conservative area of the country. The Nationality / Profession of Maya Poghosyan was a consequence of the trauma brought by her family when her father was killed during the Greek War. As a result, Maya became connected to the sport of photography by means of an English professor who encouraged her interest in the field.

Maya Poghosyanโ€™s profile states that she is currently pursuing a degree in digital multimedia engineering and minoring in communications. She has also taken part in Greek national youth and cultural organizations, participating actively in various photo contests and projects. She holds Greek nationality, as well as the right of citizenship granted by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. She is currently not dating.
