Details About Natasha Noelle’s Career


Natasha Noelle was born in Paris and despite her title as a showbiz personality has been portrayed on screen in numerous films and TV programs. Her first brush with the acting world came when she appeared on stage in a production of “Ladies of Leisure” and after that appearances in several TV shows, including “Heroes” and “ER”. The real Natasha Noelle was actually an actress who appeared in quite a few French films throughout the 1960s where she distinguished herself by playing delicate characters. It is this impressive resume that made her name a household one for those who love high glamour acting and it is this reputation that has helped to bring her to the forefront of most casting directors mind in the last few years since her appearance in the film “Bunny Tail” (also starring Audreyidates).

Now that she has achieved her goal of appearing in popular TV shows like” Notting Hill” and “APS”, the next step for Ms. Noelle is to move into more mainstream roles that will allow her to showcase her abilities on both the big and small screens. For this, she is considering a role in an up and coming drama set in Paris which has been given the green light by producer Scott Rudnick. It is also rumored that Ms. Noelle will be seen in an upcoming BBC drama series that will center around a young woman from London who is torn between two different ethnicities. Whether or not Ms. Noelle ends up playing an ethnic character in one of these projects or in a more mainstream TV drama, it is obvious that her intention is to move into a more prominent role within the English speaking world.

Despite being of French descent, Ms. Noelle has chosen to play the part of a Frenchwoman in order to break free from being confined to the realm of her nationality. This decision is understandable considering the kind of career that has been created for British actors in the last ten years or so. The opportunities that British actors are offered are vast, and with some of the leading roles going to actresses that hail from other countries of the world including France, it is easy to see why a multi-national performer would want to take on a multi-national profession. With some of the most prestigious roles available at the moment going to actresses from India, it is expected that Natalia Noelle will soon find herself on the big screen alongside some of the finest stars from around the world.
