Details About Ashley Merrill’s Love Affair With Nationality


Ashley Merrill is one of the latest celebrities to try Nationality. Having been raised in Canada and now living in England, Ashley has chosen to undergo a controversial makeover in order to play the part of a British national. While some critics have viewed the move as a huge betrayal of her roots, Ashley has remained committed to her Canadian identity despite her new identity. Despite her commitment to Nationality, Ashley’s recent appearance in a high profile photo shoot has caused quite a stir. Many are wondering how a person so young can be a victim of identity theft; but Ashley has stood firm on her own decision to play the part of a British national.

As the model, Ashley is representing an industry that is famous for its ageism. The majority of models working within this industry are in their late twenties. Ashley is trying to break into this industry at a much older age, which many see as both a blessing and a curse. Critics of Nationality have accused her of breaking the mould of traditional beauty models and of failing to evolve with the changing times. However, the age of Nationality has also meant that Nationality is no longer the minority view, it has become the norm.

Ashley has not shied away from answering questions about her love affair with the Nationality, nor has she denied any aspect of the relationship. In fact, in the case of her career, she has gone on the record stating that she feels happiest when mixing work and being with friends and family. It is clear that Ashley is happy in her role as a model, but it would seem that her career happiness is more important to her than any aspects of her personality.
