Dating Caroline Moss – Is Her Height Still an Issue


Caroline Moss has been the center of controversy since the early nineties. From her involvement in National Action Network (NAN) to her accusations that John F. Kennedy was a Communist and even into the outrageous accusations of the White House Chief Of Staff that JFK was a communist spy, everything about her personal life has been fodder for the tabloids and gossip columns for over twenty years now. While her age and looks to have slowed considerably, her star is still on the rise with many celebrities and other public figures from Michael Douglas to Billy Ray Cyrus and John Edwards all dates or marrying the former Playboy cover girl.

Now that she is finally past the age of thirty, it is obvious that age is no longer a deterrent for Caroline Moss. In fact, she is currently shopping for a new love and seems more than eager to try her hand at anything. The question is will her recent string of public persona crises be enough to deter men from her dating pool?

For anyone who has known Ms. Moss in the past, you can rest assured that she will be looking for a serious relationship with a man who shares her hobbies, views on religion and political views. Though she claims to be an environmentalist and opponent of nuclear proliferation, she still appears to be very much in love with a man who enjoys hunting and skiing. So, is there something else in her that could keep men away from her? Is she too much of a character for true dating? In the end, we may just have to wait and see if Carole Moss’s star continues to rise in her acting career and in her public profile as she pursues a new love in life.
