Dating a European National With a Public Image


A recent article in the Daily Mail Online discussed the possibility of dating a European national, Caroline Rose, who is thirty-three years old. Ms Rose has lived in the United Kingdom for the last eleven years and her English is limited so she must really be British. She is divorced and is not eligible to remarry a New Zealand national due to their nationality laws. She has a job as an account manager at an investment bank but the family are said to be unhappy with this job and her only passport is that of a British citizen.

I met Caroline Rose on an Internet dating site and we got to talking about her work and her views on relationships and dating. She told me that she is not looking for a relationship at this stage in her life as her relationship with her partner at work is quite satisfactory. Her main aim was to find a partner to share her life with and to enjoy dating and relationships. She told me over e-mail that she is not religious and does not go to church. She has always dated within her social circle and has dated many men over the last few years.

Over the past few years her views on relationships have changed. She told me that she is happy with her partner but wants to find someone to share her life with. As her relationship with her partner at work is satisfactory, she now wants to develop further relationships outside of that. The problem with a limited public image in relation to age and nationality is that you do not want your potential partner to see your public side when they are considering you as a partner. The last thing a potential partner need is to see their new partner drooling over some twenty-year-old from another country. This would not go well for a business or social environment.
