Dana Halukov – Partners With Natalia Raichat to Build Nationwide Networks


As a professional athlete, Dana Halukov knows what it takes to succeed in the National polo team. A former teammate of Russia’s famous and controversial head coach, Vasili Oschepkov, Halukov knows firsthand the perils of being an international player and how quickly time wears away the joy of playing a sport. The pressures of representing a country on the world stage, while playing a sport you love is never easy. Halukov has made the transition from Russia to the US his own, but the challenges will be tough.

After helping Russia to win the gold in the 1996 Olympics, he decided to return home to serve two more years as a pro with the Atlantaighths. Though he and the Jackets won’t be remembered as victors like he was, they were part of the most successful teams ever in franchise history. Today, Halukov is partnered with Natalia Raichat, who is now with the Lighthouse Basketball Club in Florida. But, the pressures are still great, as he tries to earn back the respect of his former teammates and prove that he can be a part of the Olympic team once again.

Unlike many former college athletes, Halukov has not signed a multi-million dollar contract to play pro ball in Europe or the Caribbean. Instead, he is focused on building a brand new club in the United States, while representing his own name and the name of the nation he plays for. For now, the level of competition remains high, but the opportunities are limitless. Whether he chooses to stick with the Jackets long-term or pursue other options, he will be doing exactly what he does best: representing his homeland and earning a true sense of pride in himself and his country.
