Dana Curly


It has come to my attention that Dana Curly, the model and actress, is actually a genius. In fact she is an incredibly talented woman with an intellect superior to most Americans. She is not only of Irish descent but also of German descent. If you look at her resume you will see that her height is 16 feet and her nationality is American. This is a record that few have in the modeling industry today.

So, does this mean that she was made fun of because of her height? No, it does not, on the contrary, as she uses her height advantage to gain respect from her peers and to get ahead in her career. Some people in Hollywood might view her as a jokester and someone that make fun of other people’s misfortune, but that is a complete misconception. Dana has been working hard for her successes and has been scolded by many others in the modeling industry for being too tall.

When you take a closer look at her resume you will see that she was an assistant to a famous director at one time and handled his assistants. She has managed to climb her way up the ladder of success and become the highest paid assistant in the country at the age of 32. I seriously doubt if she had lost all that weight over the years and still looks the way she looks now. Her Nationality is American and I believe it is very important to keep that in mind when comparing her to other models and actresses. If her resume is any indication of how talented and intelligent she is, then I would say that her height is an advantage in comparison to those that are much shorter.
