Cynthia Ramsay – Height Difference


Cynthia Ramsay is another member of the National Comedy Museum’s talented stable of comic performers. Her style is distinctive, and her wit and charisma make her an intriguing performer. Born and raised in Yorkshire, Ms. Ramsay gained a large number of local comedy writing jobs when she was still young, and this led to a vocation for stand-up comedy when she was older. Her greatest claim to fame is the fact that she was one of the first ever British women to front a successful comedy show, for which she was rewarded with a leading role in the movie version of The Day That The World Cleared Its Doors.

Ms. Ramsay has also developed a reputation as being a formidable opponent in the realm of body image. In her memoir “Hollywood Confidential”, she discusses various weight problems that she has endured over her lifetime. She notes that her slim physique is the result of many years’ worth of eating too much fast food, which in turn led to a series of health complications such as hernia and arthritis. Despite this hectic lifestyle, she is happy with her decision to become a vegetarian almost forty years ago. This has kept her slim and trim, and she enjoys being a healthy vegetarian.

As a former actress, Cynthia Ramsay has become well known for her British accent, which is quite endearing. However, in her capacity as a stand-up artist, she has made it clear that she identifies with her native nationality, Yorkshire. This has led to some speculation that perhaps her British nationality is what brings about her ability to be so effective on the stage, and her successes are owed not only to her natural charisma but also to her ability to play an alien in such popular films as Alien, Independence Day and Harry Potter. It is this wide-ranging, authentic voice that have helped her to achieve such stardom, and with this in mind, it is safe to assume that Ms. Ramsay would make a very good presenter of an American-UK genealogy show.
