Culture and Nationality in the Paintings of Juliana Motzko


Juliana Motzko was born in 1954 in Southeastern Brazil. At the age of seven, she started to draw and paint, often copying the style of her idol, famous cartoonist Carlos Coelho. As she grew older, she trained with traditional art school but found it hard to pursue her passion while attending classes at night. Since she had no other options, she decided to attend the Brazilian School of Art, where she met her now-famous husband, photographer Lucio Fontes.

Today, Juliana spends her days exploring the different aspects of art while keeping busy in the profession of being a professional artist. Her latest artwork focuses on the theme of love and marriage. In one of her pieces, entitled “Blessed are the couple who choose to go together,” a couple stands on a white bed, facing the Sun, with their hands clasped together. In another piece, entitled “The Virginiate,” a pair of angels flies toward the couple on a winged vessel, giving them the message that they should not be afraid of love. According to the artist, the angels are trying to tell the couple that despite all of their differences, they are really a perfect match. The painting includes flowers, a heart, a crown, and a banner with the symbol of the Virgin Mary superimposed over the couple.

While she believes that cats have long been considered as creatures with no culture, she acknowledges that attitudes toward cats can change. “Cats are viewed in a completely different way in the United States compared to Europe, and they show this differently as well. If you think about it, we have a very big cat, an African cat, and a Chinese cat, and each one has a distinct cultural identity that has its own advantages and disadvantages,” she said. Even if most people do not consider cats to be a nationality, there is little question that this artist has created a beautiful work of art that inspires both admiration and appreciation.
