Crossing Word With Hippie Inspired Fashion Trend


The Hippie influenced fashion trend is the crossword puzzle. This is the fashion trend that is in and about today, it started in the 1960’s with the flower power movement. It is the fashion that has survived even though many of the original participants have become well known since they have moved on to other things. It is the crossword puzzle that can be enjoyed by young and old alike, and is a trend that is still very much in with today’s youth.

The crossword puzzle has also been used as a means of fashion to tie one’s clothing together. People are beginning to use this to tie their shirts or to create a dress. Many people will create a unique and individual fashion statement with their Hippie inspired wardrobe and this is a trend that will last forever more as people continue to enjoy the style. It is a great way to express your creativity and your inner hippie feelings, and hippie influenced clothing is becoming more popular everyday.

The crossword puzzle has been around for many years, but its origins can be traced back to the early nineteen seventies when the hippie generation began to gather together for a weekly meeting called the Acid Test. At this time drugs were not as widely used as they are at the present time, but the idea of using the crossword as a way of describing your innermost feelings was born. The crossword has since then taken on a new meaning and is now used as a way of expressing ones innermost thoughts or feelings without the use of any illegal narcotics. If you are looking for ways to make your wardrobe more Hippie inspired, then these are the ways to do it.
