Compression Socks For Arthritis – Do They Really Work?


Compression Socks For Arthritis – Do They Really Work?

Arthritis is an incurable disease that affects millions of Americans each year. The effects of arthritis can be chronic, rendering it impossible to carry out most activities of daily living. Compression socks for arthritis are a new solution to this problem and the promising results have been promising ever since they were first introduced. Compression socks provide the most support to the arthritic foot or ankle and slowly increase the pressure as you move up the leg or ankle, so that they also assist in relieving fluid draining back to the heart and helping circulation back to the feet. Wearing compression socks helps to avoid most of the pain associated with arthritis by keeping the body’s joints properly aligned.

The wearing of compression socks for arthritis was promoted by some famous physicians such as Dr. Nicholas Romanov, the world’s best foot surgeon. He said that the wearing of compression socks helped to reduce swelling and that walking and running improved as much as 45 %. He went on to say that some of the most severe forms of arthritis can be treated successfully through the use of compression stockings and that there was no need for drugs, injections or surgery.

These days, many arthritis patients wear compression socks or support stockings under their clothes at all times. This is usually done while taking a shower, sleeping or just walking around the house. Wearing them under skirts and dresses has even helped my wife to draw up some of her leg hair! Now both of her legs look the same, and she no longer freaks out when we take off our compression socks to go swimming or go out for an afternoon walk!
