Compression Socks For Achilles – Style Versus Function


Are you aware of compression socks for an pain? If not, you are certainly missing out on something many people are just beginning to uncover the benefits of. The main purpose of compression socks isn’t merely to increase blood circulation and decrease leg swelling; the purpose is more about fashion than anything else. But compression socks can truly benefit you so much more than that.

Compression socks have the ability to relieve any pain you might have in your shins. Shin splints can be extremely painful especially in the mornings when you wake up and your body is still inflamed from sleeping in a bad position all night. As you grow older, sometimes you’ll experience shin splints as well but they are more likely to occur after years of wearing poorly fitting shoes, having an unhealthy diet, or sitting on your bum for extended periods of time. When you wear compression socks, the pressure your body exerts on the bottom of your feet and legs is reduced. This reduces the stress and pain on your lower back and provides relief to your aching hamstrings and shins.

The increased circulation that goes along with the use of compression socks helps dilate blood vessels and increase blood supply to all the different parts of your body. Increased circulation goes hand in hand with increased nutrient and fluid circulation as well. That’s why you will also notice improved muscular endurance and increased endurance during exercise. And if you suffer from Achilles tendonitis, you’ll no doubt appreciate all of the added help your body gets in improving circulation to the areas surrounding the painful area, which in turn relieves the pain and helps prevent Achilles tendonitis in the future.
