Cleaning Suede Boots


There are four ways to clean suede shoes. But there are only two ways that really work well. The first way is the least effective, and I will explain why in just a moment. The second way, which we’ll use for the third solution in this article, is the best way to clean suede shoes without risking color damage or removing the shine on top of them.

Method Number 1 – Suede Cleaning Brush Method First you will need to make sure your suede shoes are totally dry. You can do this by using a blow dryer on a low setting, but be careful to not burn yourself. Once they are totally dry you should apply a suede cleaning brush. Make sure the suede brush is made out of a soft, nonabrasive material such as cotton. You should use the suede brush to rub the suede shoes gently all around the outcomes and creases.

Method Number Two – Fizzy Apple Vinegar Method Once again, your suede shoes should be completely dry. Take a fizzy apple cider vinegar solution and add one part to two parts of water. You will need about six to eight oz. Of vinegar. Spray the solution on the stains, allow it to sit for about five minutes, then blot the stain with clean white vinegar.
